Lotte Brinkhof
Mail: l.p.brinkhof@uva.nl
While studying for her BSc in Psychobiology at the University of Amsterdam, Lotte developed a strong interest in the underlying processes of attention, learning, memory and action control and how this relates to performance in everyday life. After that, she decided to pursue a MSc degree in Brain and Cognition in Society (also UvA) to obtain unique and enriching experience in how theoretical and methodological knowledge from the field of brain and cognition can be integrated and applied in societal settings. Lotte combined her internship at Neuro Habits with her thesis at the Habit Lab, were she conducted an applied cognitive research concerning adolescents’ learning behaviour. After finishing her Master’s program, she continued to work as a research assistant at the Habit Lab and was also involved with a project on habitual smoking at the Substance use, Addiction & Food lab at the Behavioural Science Institute in Nijmegen.
In March 2020, Lotte started her PhD at the newly founded Centre for Urban Mental Health at the University of Amsterdam. Her project is supervised by Prof. Richard Ridderinkhof, dr. Sanne de Wit, dr. Harm Kruger and Prof. Jaap Murre and focuses on active and healthy aging. An important part of her project concerns the development of interventions to promote the formation of daily habits that support healthy aging and increase resilience to stressful perturbations.
For more information about this research, please visit: https://seniorendoenmee.nl/ and https://www.seniorisme.nl/.