Joining the CAREFREE project to make operating theatres greener

I look forward to being involved in the CAREFREE project: Creating A healthieR Environment for FutuRE patiEnts

This project is coordinated by Maastricht University/MUMC and funded by NWO through the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant’s ‘Collaboration in mission-driven innovation’ (NWO-KIC). I will join the team of Frenk van Harreveld (co-applicant), Jonas Dalege, Monique Chambon (postdoc), Carys Batcup (PhD student). 

Dutch healthcare accounts for 7-8% of the total national greenhouse gas emissions. In hospitals, at least 20% of this is related to the operating theatre. This includes waste, inhalation gases for anesthesia, energy for air refreshment, and medicine residues in wastewater. To change the behavior of all stakeholders, this project assembled a very diverse team to make the operating theatre greener by gaining insight into the biggest polluters.

The CAREFREE (Creating A healthieR Environment for FutuRE patiEnts) project aims to fill knowledge gaps but also to provide tools that enhance trust, acceptance, and a change in behavior for the myriad of stakeholders.

Please find further information here.